Monday, June 9, 2014

BecomING a Teacher

A few weeks before graduation from the Weber State education program, I was talking to my friend Sherylee about my post graduation plans. 
"I'm either going to become a Disney intern, go on a mission, try out being a waitress for kicks, or....or... there's one other thing...."
"Oh yeah.... teaching."
Sure, I had been playing school and making my sister Chelsea complete Hailey-made worksheets since I was 8. Growing up I always made sure to walk the school supplies aisle every time I visited Target or WalMart, even when it satisfied nothing on my shopping list. Working in an after school program throughout my high school and college years as a reading tutor, then teacher, then director I found my passion in making children smile, teaching them life lessons, and helping them recognize who they could be....
But I was just Hailey Achter. There was no way I could possibly be a teacher over a classroom of 26+ students for 7 hours a day every day. Despite all of my natural and college preparation, the idea of having my own classroom was rather terrifying. 
And so, I often gave into those fearful thoughts, and put them at ease with the thought of postponing my possible career and doing something becoming a Disney intern. 
A boy came into my life around this time. It was actually our second round of dating, so things progressed quickly and I became engaged to be wed. My once single status thoughts became marital status thoughts of, "I will need to help support my future family!" No longer was I daydreaming about dancing in HSM parades, but rather securing as many interviews as possible to become a teacher. 
A call came, with my principal and the whole 6th grade team at Syracuse Elementary on the other end. "We would like to offer you a position as a 6th grade teacher." When I accepted, I felt a variety of emotions, a major one being relief for financial security as a soon to be newlywed.
About 2 weeks before I began my school year teaching as a Mrs., I remained a Miss. Sob story aside, I questioned if I should teach as my fears of inadequacy began creeping back. Whether it was because of my subconscious love for teaching or honoring the commitment I had already made, I did go through with setting up my classroom and becoming a teacher. 
My first year of teaching was filled with tender mercies from my Heavenly Father. 26 alphabetized names on a role became faces and stories forever imprinted in my heart.
At my end of year interview, I surprised myself with how much I opened up to my dear principal.

"When I first got my job, I saw it mainly as a means of supporting my future family, but now I see it in a totally different light. My students have served as a means of healing my broken heart."

In hind sight, I can see God's hand in leading me slowly, painfully, joyfully, and surly to becoming a teacher. 
Heavenly Father always has a greater and grander plan.
I continue to recognize that in my journey of becomING a teacher.